Business people.

As a business owner, you have enough on your mind without having to worry about your insurance needs. With G5, you can be confident that the business you’ve built is covered by an agency that understands your needs. By comprehensively assessing each individual business, we can pair it with an insurance company that offers a policy targeted to the respective industry.

I recommend G5 to all of the small businesses and entrepreneurs in my M5 Small Business Accelerator course and community - having a solid, trustworthy, dependable insurance agent and company behind you is one of the most important factors in small business and G5 is exactly that! Real people to help you prevent or solve real business problems. Highly recommended to any entrepreneur or business!

Mary Heffernan
Owner, Five Marys Farm


  • Trucking
  • Bond
  • Workers’ Comp
  • Equipment
  • Special Events
  • Property
  • EPLI
  • Income Protection
  • Cyber Liability
  • Commercial Auto
  • Umbrella
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An extension of your business.

We take pride in operating as an extension of your business. As your business evolves, so do your insurance needs. We work closely with your team to keep your insurance program up to speed with your quickly growing business.

We’re ready to put together something great for you.

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